Wednesday 19 June 2013

have a nice day . .

Assalamualaikum. .

For this entry i would like to share and tell you all about Cameron Highland. I collected and gathered all the stories and wonderful pictures. and here we go. .

                                   Trip to Cameron Highland

On 15 May 2012 my friends and i went to Cameron Highlands (CH) for our vacation. It's worked as we planned, alhamdulillah and i had a great holiday with them. Actually this is my first time went to CH and i went there with my crazy friends.  ;D

The most interesting part was we went there by bus babe, yes by bus. We had planned to go vacation together a month before this, its for reward ourself from struggled through tornado of final exam. hukhuk .

Meet this new band , 'My Chemical Butane'  :P

Smoke house.. *suka skirt merah tu

You are my sunshines and you light my world like nobody else ;)

this is us ;D

 Same t-shirts.. hoyeahhh

On 18 February 2013 i went to CH, again with my other fellas.. 
Sorry i don't have my sweety friends picture. They just 'bluetoothing' pictures which have me in it.. prrfftt weirdo..haha..err anyway,,

at huge 'BOH' tea farm . .

Plugging my own strawberries..aaaa..

i love the smell of tea and i love the wind touch on my face..

Hold on guys.. i went to vacation at the same place on the same year? But this time i went there with my cousins..hihi .
On 15 June 2013.  Boring? Boredom is not in my dictionary if i go to vacation to the place that have beautiful weather.

me at Lavender garden. . tehee .

i wanna sleep here for a while and get my body massages. hoho .

Strawbewwii chocolates is my feveroto..
Datang cameron  harus la makan ni sepuas-puas nya,yashh. .

Prevent from freezing..


Lata iskandar waterfall at Cameron Highland..
air sejuk gilos..

Boleh apply jadi duta Cameron Highland dah nanti kan? haha.. ;P
The scary part about CH is 'The road to Cameron highland'  *buat suara garau sat.
Btw thanks for the memories guys.. ;D

assalamualaikum and adios. .