Tuesday 28 May 2013

Colours of life . .

Assalamualaikum . . !

Halu...today i'm gonna share about my kawans. Ni kawans yang ter'kenal' sebab belajar sama-sama dekat UniKL RCMP. Kalau tak belajar dekat MEDschool tu memang tak kenal la dia orang ni. hee. . This is we called as fate, it's had been arranged nicely by dear Allah. *kali ni bahasa rojak, would you mind please :) *

It's start with : 

Our friendship begins with simple talks, its bloom into a long and deep conversation. Next thing that we know we begin to care more about each other. 

Gambar masa sem2.

Practiced for our english drama but it's more to photoshoots. hehe. . 
and and the best thing is we WON err. muahaha. .

Gambar masa sem2, first time aku p alor setaq, kedah ;D

This is my lovely roommate, her name is Najwa Abidin and we just called her Wawa. Kami roommate dari sem1 sampai sekarang. hewhew. . By the way, she's unique. Want to know why? . .

Here i list some of our similarities :

  1. Nama ayah dia Abidin, nama ayah gua pun Abidin tapi ada Mohamed Abidin laa. hee . .
  2. Wawa dilahirkan pada tanggal 13 oktober 1993, aku dilahirkan pada 14 oktober 1993 pada       waktu dhuha. tehee . .Kami beza sehari je, jadi aku ni adik Wawa la, muda..ihiks. .
  3. Kami suka makan makanan yang pedas. Tapi Wawa makan 'cabai, aku pulak tak makan cabai, suka   rasa pedas je. Kangg kalau too spicy jadi bibir Angelina Jolie pulaks. ;O
  4. Kami suka tidor dan aku keding macam Wawa. HAHA.. *tipu je*
  5. Dan lain-lain.

Some of our differences :

1.  I loveee chocolates and cakes but she don't love that food as much as i do.err. .
2.  She's crazy about tomyam, that is her golden food. 
3.  And many more.

Gambar masa sem1 , dekat KTM Ipoh Perak.
 Semua pakai skirt dan aku pakai slipper jamban je. hoho.  -.-


Gambar masa hari last final exam sem2.

Gadis manis bertudung biru tu bernama Afiqah Farhanah, panggil AF je. hihi. . 
*bukan AkademiFantasia taw*
Gadis bertudung purple pula bernama Nor Anis Athirah, panggil Anis je. Ni kaklong saya. hehe. . Dia ada kucing bernama Popo Lishushu. aumm . .
Gadis bergaya bertudung coklat tu bernama Wan Noor Ain Ashura, panggil Ain je. Dia boleh menyanyi dalam bahasa korea dengan fasih dan jaya nya.  *Betol nii . .

Our partime job:   Jadi model tudung kepada  businesswoman-to-be, AF. .
*Yang bertudung oren  menawan gitu. ihiks ;)  

Anda boring? mahu  menonton movie?  Cari la Ain ni haa.. Semua chengita ada dalam hard disc dia. Tapi  yang  paling banyak variety shows, rancangan 'Lelaki berlari'  =  RM  :)

Haa.. this is Fatin Liyana the blogger. Dia tinggi lampai dan cun  feewitt  ;D *serious .
Kita orang panggil dia Aten je. Dia suka sangat kalau aku korek telinga dia..ermm guna cotton bud la weii tak kan guna tangan pulaks. hewhew  . . .

same t-shirts ^^,

Gambar birthday tahun lepas :)  *sorry gambar berkabus*

Actually there's a lot of stories about us that i would like to share but my kitty seem to knocked me down. haisy . .

Ermm to me, the best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. :) 

Dear friends, promise me , you won't forget our laughs, our smiles, our jokes, our plans, our conversations, our tears, our memories, our experiences and our friendship. :*  Thank you 

Assalamualaikum & adios . .

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