Monday 27 May 2013

Haloo haii. . .


             My name is Siti Sarah binti Mohamed Abidin and just called me Ara.. Newbie here yaww.  :)
I'm study at  UniKL Royal College of Medical Perak ( RCMP )  in pharmacy course. This september i'm gonna be the third year of pharmacy student, insyaAllah.. hihi..  I was borned at hospital Kuala Lumpur and stay at Taman Melewar, Gombak. But it just for 8 years then we moved to Kota Bharu, Kelantan due to my parents had been transfered to here. Ermm what else ? i have 4 siblings and i'm the youngest and the only girl in my siblings. *mesti best ada kakak kann, gua nanti ada 3 kakak ipar je, tapi takpe.hehe..*  I think that's enough and furthermore i will update from time to time. hoho..

By the way, today is 27th May 2013 | 17th Rejab1434 Hijr | and it's my Papa birthday.  Picture below show that he carried his 4 children, starting with my abang, abang, abang and me.hihi.. My papa my hero ;D
*Dulu handsome, sekarang maintain, alhamdulillah. muahaha*

Happy birthday papa, may you always healthy, happy and be under barakah of dear Allah. amin . Thank you for everything and we heart you so much :*

Because of today is his birthday i cooked one of his favourite food,
 which is mee curry for our lunch.

glad he like it :D

That's it for today. ;)

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