Wednesday 19 June 2013

have a nice day . .

Assalamualaikum. .

For this entry i would like to share and tell you all about Cameron Highland. I collected and gathered all the stories and wonderful pictures. and here we go. .

                                   Trip to Cameron Highland

On 15 May 2012 my friends and i went to Cameron Highlands (CH) for our vacation. It's worked as we planned, alhamdulillah and i had a great holiday with them. Actually this is my first time went to CH and i went there with my crazy friends.  ;D

The most interesting part was we went there by bus babe, yes by bus. We had planned to go vacation together a month before this, its for reward ourself from struggled through tornado of final exam. hukhuk .

Meet this new band , 'My Chemical Butane'  :P

Smoke house.. *suka skirt merah tu

You are my sunshines and you light my world like nobody else ;)

this is us ;D

 Same t-shirts.. hoyeahhh

On 18 February 2013 i went to CH, again with my other fellas.. 
Sorry i don't have my sweety friends picture. They just 'bluetoothing' pictures which have me in it.. prrfftt weirdo..haha..err anyway,,

at huge 'BOH' tea farm . .

Plugging my own strawberries..aaaa..

i love the smell of tea and i love the wind touch on my face..

Hold on guys.. i went to vacation at the same place on the same year? But this time i went there with my cousins..hihi .
On 15 June 2013.  Boring? Boredom is not in my dictionary if i go to vacation to the place that have beautiful weather.

me at Lavender garden. . tehee .

i wanna sleep here for a while and get my body massages. hoho .

Strawbewwii chocolates is my feveroto..
Datang cameron  harus la makan ni sepuas-puas nya,yashh. .

Prevent from freezing..


Lata iskandar waterfall at Cameron Highland..
air sejuk gilos..

Boleh apply jadi duta Cameron Highland dah nanti kan? haha.. ;P
The scary part about CH is 'The road to Cameron highland'  *buat suara garau sat.
Btw thanks for the memories guys.. ;D

assalamualaikum and adios. .

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Flowing into my purse . .

Haiii everibedi. .

CUTI NAK HABIS DAH ! haa my sem break will be end.. 
This sentence keep flying on my mind. arghh..
 I know i will always miss my long holiday.

But what i'm going to tell you is about i have been working for 10 DAYS..only.
Yes.. i have been working, for my very first time. I never been working before, but there's come time that i felt that i want to get some extra money which was come from own efforts. 
Besides i want to get new experience and would glad to try something new.
I'm have been working with my mama's friend. She's selling trillion of tudung Bawal.

This is the best bawal materials.
 Some of them come from Korean and Japan.
Then some of the 'sulam tangan ' of the 'tudung Bawal' are export to Vietnam, 
because the 'sulam' they made are more prim and beautiful.

Our customers were not only kelantanese, but all around the Malaysia.'s true. really nice when ladies or girls wear tudung Bawal. Lawa !

Anak customer. 
Her mother asked us to take care of her baby while she want to go to ATM machine.
Err.. to pay the tudungssssb that she choosed. haha..

There are many different kind of sulam with different prices. hihi.. 
( bargain la, boleh mintak kurang )

Today also is my last day of worked.. I don't what to say but it's great to have new experiences. 
Now i know how to interact and attend the customers to buy our tudung.
Ermm..can get to know with lovely people, 
spend 10 days of my holiday with wisely and i got my very first salary on my own hand bebb.. hihi.. that's it.

Assalamualaikum and thank you  . .  :)

Tuesday 11 June 2013

My kitties. .

Assalamualaikum. .heyyo. .

Entry kali ni nak tulis semua pasal kucing aku. hewhew. .  I'm cat lovers? Yes i am !

Ada banyak kitty tapi banyak jugak laa yang dah 'meninggal' atas sebab-sebab tertentu yang tidak boleh lawan fate ni.  :'(
 Tapi kan tapi kan seronok ada kucing ni :D  even sometimes serabut laa jugak..err ..
Kalau kat rumah aku takde orang ke apa. I'm okay..takpe..aku ada kitties nii yang teman aku , yang duk meow meow dekat aku. Kalau aku tanya dia tak nak jawab.. Heh?  Kalau aku tak layan diaorang, nanti diaorang duk berdansa dekat kaki aku dan kadang-kadang tu hampir nak terjatuh aku dibuatnya. isy isy . .

Haa ni laa Shifong masa baby. 
(don't ask me why i choosed that name..hihi )

Shifong after 3 weeks, perhaps. 

Shifong after a month and half, perhaps.

Unfortunately after i got home from leaved her for a month. She's missing. My family didn't told me earlier because they know who am i..err.. DENGG.. i hate this part.
At that time i felt horrible and super angry, yes i am. (ugly me)

Siapa la tak bengang kann, aku jaga Shifong dari dia duk dalam pencil case until dia besar duk
 atas sofa tu. :P
Btw..aku paling benci orang curi kucing aku. huh !
Sabar Raa sabar..hee.. aku redha kalau Shifong mati ke apa even mayat dia tak dijumpai. huhu :'(  (uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

Selepas tu Allah ganti dengan ni.  ;)
Tapi sekarang yang adik-beradik ni, seekor je yang hidup ( abang Mishing) yang lain . .

Yang pakai mask tu, nama dia Mishing. ( Don't ask me why i choosed that name) :3  
She's a girl.  Girl eh? 

Yang hitam tu mak Mishing. Abang aku panggil dia, negro. hoho.
Dia kucing biasa je, abang aku yang bawak dia balik ke rumah. Sebab kucing tu duk bawah kereta dia masa dia nak balik dari kerja, dia kesian kat mak Mishing tu lalu dia pun bawa pulang. blabla. .

Aku ni macam berat sebelah kot, sebab certain kucing yang aku rasa comel dan aku suka je aku letak nama.huhu.. sorry baby.
Lagi pun Mishing ni la yang duk teman aku siap kan entry ni. 
(Now: Dia duk tido atas riba menyampah..dia memang terlebih manja. Sebab masa kecik dulu aku terlebih bagi kasih sayang kat dia. HAHA..)

Haii saya suka lari lari dan lompat lompat. Tapi saya bukan rabbit saya Mishing. :D

Sekarang Mishing pregnant kot. ahaa. .

Ni bukan anak Mishing. Ni anak sedara Mishing. kahkah. .

Kann Shifong dah takde. Ni la new Shifong. Small and very hairy.  :* 

Mesti korang pening tengok gambar kitties aku, dah la nama pelik pelik kann. tehee..
But yet, time spent with cats is never wasted. :)

Which part of  'Meow' that you don't understand?

Thank you and assalamualaikum. . 

Thursday 6 June 2013

Everything i have, i owe to dear Allah . .

. Alhamdulillah .

                Last night after i just got home from worked, i straight away sat in front of my lappy and my fingers moving faster than i thought. Then i checked my result, a bit shocked and suprised. My mouth automatic said 'Alhamdulillah yaAllah' and i keep staring on the lappy screen.  :') 

               Alhamdulillah for waking me up today, alhamdulillah that i can still say alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah that my family are just fine and healthy, alhamdulillah for all blessings, alhamdulillah for everything i have, for everything i had and for everything i will. My mama always say like this, ' If Allah wills, it will happen, in his own time, at the right moment and for the best reasons '. I believed it.  ;)

We must realize that we breath with this air, yes with this oxygen which is made by dear Allah. That's why we must always grateful because without dear Allah we are nothing. 
Besides, if dear Allah say Yes, no one can say No. I believed it.  ;)

with baby Akmal Hakim  :*

Assalamualaikum and adios . .

Thursday 30 May 2013

Cake is fun. .

Assalamualaikum and heyyo. . !

              Nak kata aku ni rajin, tak la jugak. Tapi kalau datang angin nak makan tu dan semua bahan cukup, apa salah nya rajin kan diri untuk buat kan. So hari ni nak share resepi moist chocolate cake. Aaa memang la banyak cara nak buat chocolate cake dan semua orang boleh buat, but this is my way easy simple yummy dimple foodies.

Bahan A :

1    cawan serbuk koko
1/2 cawan susu pekat
1/2 cawan gula pasir
1    cawan air suam

Bahan B :

250gm butter
4 biji telur (gred A)
2 cawan tepung gandum
1/3 cawan gula pasir ( tak nak manis sangat )
2 sudu kecil baking powder
1 sudu teh esen vanila

Topping :

150gm chocolate bar pilihan anda  ( cooking chocolate pun boleh )
1 sudu besar susu pekat
3 sudu besar susu cair

Cara-caranya :

  1. Masukkan semua bahan A dan gaul di dalam periuk. Kacau, masak hingga mendidih ( guna api  sederhana) dan biarkan sejuk.
  2. Ayakkan bahan B, tepung gandum dan baking powder.
  3. Telur dipukul ( ku guna blender, sampai berbuih-buih telur yeahh. sepatutnya guna mixer tapi malas -.- 
  4. Haa pukul kuat kuat butter dengan gula, masukkan esen vanila dan pukul sampai lebam.
  5. Masukkan telur yang telah 'diblenderkan' tadi ke dalam ( no.4) sikit demi sikit sambil kacau.
  6. Selepas tu masukkan bahan ( no.2) sikit demi sikit ke dalam adunan.
  7. Then masukkan bahan A sikit demi sikit ke dalam adunan sambil kacau perlahan-lahan.
  8. Next masukkan ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 40 minit macam tu ( check laa k )
  9. Keluar kan cake yang telah dimasak ( tunggu cake sejuk sikit baru keluarkan) dan untuk topping, cairkan semua bahan topping.
  10. Lastly, curahkan topping ke atas cake dan hias. 

Moist chocolate cake.. yummiehh. .

 Hai lolbintiplati.. i don't give a dengg on what you said.
 Besides, I'm stronger and i'm happier with my life, alhamdulillah :D
and you don't know any..any of things bout me, girl. 

Selamat mencuba guys. .  ;)

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Colours of life . .

Assalamualaikum . . ! i'm gonna share about my kawans. Ni kawans yang ter'kenal' sebab belajar sama-sama dekat UniKL RCMP. Kalau tak belajar dekat MEDschool tu memang tak kenal la dia orang ni. hee. . This is we called as fate, it's had been arranged nicely by dear Allah. *kali ni bahasa rojak, would you mind please :) *

It's start with : 

Our friendship begins with simple talks, its bloom into a long and deep conversation. Next thing that we know we begin to care more about each other. 

Gambar masa sem2.

Practiced for our english drama but it's more to photoshoots. hehe. . 
and and the best thing is we WON err. muahaha. .

Gambar masa sem2, first time aku p alor setaq, kedah ;D

This is my lovely roommate, her name is Najwa Abidin and we just called her Wawa. Kami roommate dari sem1 sampai sekarang. hewhew. . By the way, she's unique. Want to know why? . .

Here i list some of our similarities :

  1. Nama ayah dia Abidin, nama ayah gua pun Abidin tapi ada Mohamed Abidin laa. hee . .
  2. Wawa dilahirkan pada tanggal 13 oktober 1993, aku dilahirkan pada 14 oktober 1993 pada       waktu dhuha. tehee . .Kami beza sehari je, jadi aku ni adik Wawa la, muda..ihiks. .
  3. Kami suka makan makanan yang pedas. Tapi Wawa makan 'cabai, aku pulak tak makan cabai, suka   rasa pedas je. Kangg kalau too spicy jadi bibir Angelina Jolie pulaks. ;O
  4. Kami suka tidor dan aku keding macam Wawa. HAHA.. *tipu je*
  5. Dan lain-lain.

Some of our differences :

1.  I loveee chocolates and cakes but she don't love that food as much as i do.err. .
2.  She's crazy about tomyam, that is her golden food. 
3.  And many more.

Gambar masa sem1 , dekat KTM Ipoh Perak.
 Semua pakai skirt dan aku pakai slipper jamban je. hoho.  -.-


Gambar masa hari last final exam sem2.

Gadis manis bertudung biru tu bernama Afiqah Farhanah, panggil AF je. hihi. . 
*bukan AkademiFantasia taw*
Gadis bertudung purple pula bernama Nor Anis Athirah, panggil Anis je. Ni kaklong saya. hehe. . Dia ada kucing bernama Popo Lishushu. aumm . .
Gadis bergaya bertudung coklat tu bernama Wan Noor Ain Ashura, panggil Ain je. Dia boleh menyanyi dalam bahasa korea dengan fasih dan jaya nya.  *Betol nii . .

Our partime job:   Jadi model tudung kepada  businesswoman-to-be, AF. .
*Yang bertudung oren  menawan gitu. ihiks ;)  

Anda boring? mahu  menonton movie?  Cari la Ain ni haa.. Semua chengita ada dalam hard disc dia. Tapi  yang  paling banyak variety shows, rancangan 'Lelaki berlari'  =  RM  :)

Haa.. this is Fatin Liyana the blogger. Dia tinggi lampai dan cun  feewitt  ;D *serious .
Kita orang panggil dia Aten je. Dia suka sangat kalau aku korek telinga dia..ermm guna cotton bud la weii tak kan guna tangan pulaks. hewhew  . . .

same t-shirts ^^,

Gambar birthday tahun lepas :)  *sorry gambar berkabus*

Actually there's a lot of stories about us that i would like to share but my kitty seem to knocked me down. haisy . .

Ermm to me, the best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. :) 

Dear friends, promise me , you won't forget our laughs, our smiles, our jokes, our plans, our conversations, our tears, our memories, our experiences and our friendship. :*  Thank you 

Assalamualaikum & adios . .

Monday 27 May 2013

Haloo haii. . .


             My name is Siti Sarah binti Mohamed Abidin and just called me Ara.. Newbie here yaww.  :)
I'm study at  UniKL Royal College of Medical Perak ( RCMP )  in pharmacy course. This september i'm gonna be the third year of pharmacy student, insyaAllah.. hihi..  I was borned at hospital Kuala Lumpur and stay at Taman Melewar, Gombak. But it just for 8 years then we moved to Kota Bharu, Kelantan due to my parents had been transfered to here. Ermm what else ? i have 4 siblings and i'm the youngest and the only girl in my siblings. *mesti best ada kakak kann, gua nanti ada 3 kakak ipar je, tapi takpe.hehe..*  I think that's enough and furthermore i will update from time to time. hoho..

By the way, today is 27th May 2013 | 17th Rejab1434 Hijr | and it's my Papa birthday.  Picture below show that he carried his 4 children, starting with my abang, abang, abang and me.hihi.. My papa my hero ;D
*Dulu handsome, sekarang maintain, alhamdulillah. muahaha*

Happy birthday papa, may you always healthy, happy and be under barakah of dear Allah. amin . Thank you for everything and we heart you so much :*

Because of today is his birthday i cooked one of his favourite food,
 which is mee curry for our lunch.

glad he like it :D

That's it for today. ;)